On different routes between forests and fields without real difficulties, you will have the opportunity to discover a neo-gothic church dating from 1861 where every 25th June the great pilgrimage of St Eloi takes place, as well as a three hundred year old oak tree. But above all, don't be afraid of the various trolls and elves that you will meet on these routes because they come straight out of the imagination of our local artist "Land'Art". We wish you a good walk.
3 circuits are proposed:
Sentier Hubert 17,6km
Crayfish Trail 8,1km
Snail Trail 5,4 km
stdClass Object
[id] => 846145256
[type] => stdClass Object
[id] => 4000078
[nom] => Routes / loopbacks
[entite_gestionnaire] => 846
[nom_entite_gestionnaire] => TROIS FRONTIERES TOURISME
[coordonnees] => stdClass Object
[num_voie] => 1
[libelle_voie] => Rue de la Poste
[code_postal] => 57320
[libelle_commune] => WALDWEISTROFF
[telephone1] => 06 37 23 15 27
[email1] =>
[pays] => FRANCE
[type_georeferencement] => 2
[libelle_georeferencement] => précis
[latitude] => 49,3569249
[longitude] => 6,49823800000001
[commentaire] => On different routes between forests and fields without real difficulties, you will have the opportunity to discover a neo-gothic church dating from 1861 where every 25th June the great pilgrimage of St Eloi takes place, as well as a three hundred year old oak tree. But above all, don't be afraid of the various trolls and elves that you will meet on these routes because they come straight out of the imagination of our local artist "Land'Art". We wish you a good walk.
3 circuits are proposed:
Sentier Hubert 17,6km
Crayfish Trail 8,1km
Snail Trail 5,4 km
[prestataire] => stdClass Object
[raison_sociale] =>
[civilite] => Madame
[nom] => JARDINIER
[prenom] => Isabelle
[fonction] =>
[coordonnees] => stdClass Object
[num_voie] => 24
[libelle_voie] => rue du Stade
[distri_speciale] =>
[code_postal] => 57320
[libelle_commune] => WALDWEISTROFF
[telephone1] => 06 37 23 15 27
[telephone2] =>
[telephone3] =>
[fax] =>
[email1] =>
[email2] =>
[url1] =>
[url2] =>
[pays] =>
[debut_validite] => 30/03/2017
[fin_validite] => 31/12/2050
[marquage] => 0
[datmaj] => 07/12/2024 15:48:37
[datecreation] => 30/03/2017 11:35:42
[horaires] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[date_debut] => 01/01/2025
[date_fin] => 31/12/2025
[heures] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[heure_debut] =>
[heure_fin] =>
[lundi] => O
[mardi] => O
[mercredi] => O
[jeudi] => O
[vendredi] => O
[samedi] => O
[dimanche] => O
[acces_permanent] => 1
[tps_acces_fin] => 0
[commentaire] =>
[criteres] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 736000010
[nom] => Pets welcome
[type_critere] => 1
[type_valeur] => 2
[classe] => 2
[modalites] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 101
[nom] => YES
[ordre] => 1
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 736000294
[nom] => Photo
[type_critere] => 0
[type_valeur] => 6
[classe] => 0
[valeur] =>
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 736001119
[nom] => Photographic credit
[type_critere] => 0
[type_valeur] => 2
[classe] => 0
[valeur] => Julie Moritz - Trois Frontières Tourisme
[disponibilites_synthetiques] => Array
[disponibilites_detail] => Array
[criteres_formates] => Array
[Pets welcome] => stdClass Object
[id] => 736000010
[nom] => Pets welcome
[type_critere] => 1
[type_valeur] => 2
[classe] => 2
[modalites] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 101
[nom] => YES
[ordre] => 1
[Photo] => stdClass Object
[id] => 736000294
[nom] => Photo
[type_critere] => 0
[type_valeur] => 6
[classe] => 0
[valeur] =>
[Photographic credit] => stdClass Object
[id] => 736001119
[nom] => Photographic credit
[type_critere] => 0
[type_valeur] => 2
[classe] => 0
[valeur] => Julie Moritz - Trois Frontières Tourisme