In August 1985, the inhabitants noticed a strange shape on the facade of a building: a spot of moisture that had appeared following water damage revealed a face, similar to that of Christ. Since then, even if all divine or religious interventions have been ruled out, the mystery remains and still calls out. The image has been certified as natural and is still visible today.
Outdoor site
stdClass Object
[id] => 846146142
[type] => stdClass Object
[id] => 4000048
[nom] => Historic monument / place to visit
[entite_gestionnaire] => 846
[nom_entite_gestionnaire] => TROIS FRONTIERES TOURISME
[coordonnees] => stdClass Object
[num_voie] => 11
[libelle_voie] => grand rue
[code_postal] => 57480
[libelle_commune] => SIERCK LES BAINS
[telephone1] => 03 82 83 82 15
[email1] => contact@siercklesbains.fr
[url1] => www.siercklesbains.fr
[pays] => FRANCE
[type_georeferencement] => 2
[libelle_georeferencement] => précis
[latitude] => 49,4425449
[longitude] => 6,3602106
[commentaire] => In August 1985, the inhabitants noticed a strange shape on the facade of a building: a spot of moisture that had appeared following water damage revealed a face, similar to that of Christ. Since then, even if all divine or religious interventions have been ruled out, the mystery remains and still calls out. The image has been certified as natural and is still visible today.
Outdoor site
[prestataire] => stdClass Object
[raison_sociale] =>
[civilite] => Madame
[nom] => HAMMOND
[prenom] => Helen
[fonction] => Maire
[coordonnees] => stdClass Object
[num_voie] => 12
[libelle_voie] => quai des Ducs de Lorraine
[distri_speciale] =>
[code_postal] => 57480
[libelle_commune] => SIERCK LES BAINS
[telephone1] => 03 82 83 82 15
[telephone2] =>
[telephone3] =>
[fax] =>
[email1] => contact@siercklesbains.fr
[email2] =>
[url1] => https://www.siercklesbains.fr
[url2] =>
[pays] => FRANCE
[debut_validite] => 22/03/2022
[fin_validite] => 31/12/2050
[marquage] => 0
[datmaj] => 06/12/2024 12:03:46
[datecreation] => 22/03/2022 15:47:02
[horaires] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[date_debut] => 01/01/2025
[date_fin] => 31/12/2025
[heures] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[heure_debut] =>
[heure_fin] =>
[lundi] => O
[mardi] => O
[mercredi] => O
[jeudi] => O
[vendredi] => O
[samedi] => O
[dimanche] => O
[acces_permanent] => 1
[tps_acces_fin] => 0
[commentaire] =>
[criteres] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 736000294
[nom] => Photo
[type_critere] => 0
[type_valeur] => 6
[classe] => 0
[valeur] => https://www.sitlor.fr/photos/846/846146142_4.jpg
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 736001119
[nom] => Photographic credit
[type_critere] => 0
[type_valeur] => 2
[classe] => 0
[valeur] => Julie Moritz - Trois Frontières Tourisme
[disponibilites_synthetiques] => Array
[disponibilites_detail] => Array
[criteres_formates] => Array
[Photo] => stdClass Object
[id] => 736000294
[nom] => Photo
[type_critere] => 0
[type_valeur] => 6
[classe] => 0
[valeur] => https://www.sitlor.fr/photos/846/846146142_4.jpg
[Photographic credit] => stdClass Object
[id] => 736001119
[nom] => Photographic credit
[type_critere] => 0
[type_valeur] => 2
[classe] => 0
[valeur] => Julie Moritz - Trois Frontières Tourisme